Education & Reference

Friday, March 27, 2009

Why do people go

Curiously, it's similar to the noise you make when you drop your ice-cream cone on the floor.. awwwwwww...

I think its more of a gag reflex.

I don't do that. If I see a puppy that I actually think is cute that's nice, but no animated noises from me. Same thing goes for a baby. I usually don't find other people's children cute, so this is very rare. If I see one that I actually think is cute, I just look at it and think to myself, what a cute baby. That's it.

It's pre-linguistic communication. A hold over from our wild animal calls. Just like when people yell" woooooooo" a lot at mardi-gras and the MTV beach house, it's the noise people would make in the wild before we got language, to call out for sex.

People say that because well its because the puppy for eg is adorable or that owner is there and you don't want to say that's a ugly dog to hurt there feelings. Dose that answer your qustion?

society. it taught to them to go awww when they see cute. sometimes its a duty, say when the baby is actually really ugly........? you feel obliged to say awwwwwwww how cute

I LOVE TO SAY AWWW to cute things.

sometimes u have lack of words to praise or u dont know how to start praising , when u find anyone cute, then ur heart force u to say "awwww"

don't know, its just a thing, natural reflex i suppose lol..i say it all the time

Because their cute..besides would you look at a baby or puppy and say Yuck that is so UGLY:

becasue all the things you mentioned are cute

cuz theyre fricken cute!! well babies arent, but puppies are!

a reaction never studied about

i don't know but i'm the queen of saying it....awwwww sh*t!

I hope that you 'get it' some day. You are missing a lot...

idk but it is kinda weird!

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