Education & Reference

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I heard about VCS Ohio, is it any good?

I heard about VCS Ohio, is it any good?

I saw it on tv and then went on the website, it looked like it would be really good for me since I hate public school. I wanted to know if you go to VCS Ohio went you graduate from high school do college's look down on you because of it? My mom won't let me apply because she thinks if I go there I won't get into a good college, is it true?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
i dont no anything about that school personnaly, but it sounds like its either a form of homeschool or cyber school. But colleges will still accept you, either way as long as you have good grades. I go to a cyber school and I and can get into college,
cyber school student

It looks like it is a charter school.
Don't worry, colleges will not look down on the school because it is a legit school but done through the internet. You're mom is just leary. Tell her not to worry.
With Governor Strickland signing a bill to cut virtual schools by 74%, it's looking pretty grim for ALL Ohio virtual/charter schools. I have attended several budget sub committees to voice my opinion about this. It's getting scary. If it passes, it will look like virtual schools will either crumble or can only accept a certain amount of students per year. If they do crumble, that means back to public school or do the unschooling method in which your parents would be your teachers.
Let's just hope and pray.

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