Education & Reference

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What are all of the steps I have to take to become an equine veterinarian?

how many years in college would this take? What could I do to get better prepared?

I actually helped my younger sister look into this.

You will have 4 years of undergrad and around 4 years of Graduate work and then another 4 in some sort of residency. (So about 11-12 years in all)

Where you go to undergrad doesn't matter as much, but going some where that they have a preVeterinarian program and Vet school will increase your chances greatly.

You should look at places like: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Iowa State University, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Auburn University, and Ohio State University.

In college you should take advantage of all the internships and extracurriculars you can while studying hard to be the top of your class.

Becoming a Vet is not easy and it is a very competitive field, but because you are planning ahead puts you on the right track. Keep working at it and I wish you all the luck!

Four years of college in a pre-med program, then you have to apply to veterinary school. You might also look into AG and tech schools (agriculture and technology), two year programs in animal husbandry. If you are still in high school, all you have to do is just get really good grades in your courses, and find out what schools in your area offer pre-med

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